STATISTICS: Reporting and statistics are relevant to all businesses so I took the initiative to learn more about gathering data and how to analyze it through the University of Toronto course 'Statistics: Making Sense of Data' offered through Coursera.

SQL: This is a special-purpose programming language designed for managing data in relational database management systems.  My involvement in an ongoing database redevelopment has inspired me to take a look into the back-end of the developing and programming side by completing 'Writing Queries', through George Brown College.

365 PROJECT: An exercise in self-discipline and creativity, the mission of this project is to take a photo every day for an entire year, documenting my life and keeping my create juices flowing.  I completed this project on December 31, 2012.

IMAGE CORRECTION: Have you ever taken a photo on a digital camera only to decide later that the photo doesn't look as good on the computer screen as it did on the camera preview screen?  This happens to me all the time so I take the time to fix what I don't like about the photos and rescue these photos from deletion.  I've been known to fix red-eye, and airbrush photos for friends as well as my own shots.  Some examples of my image work are shown below.

PC BUILD: I've always been interested in computers so one day I thought, why not try building my own from scratch?  So I did.  After researching compatibility issues and pricing out my desired specifications, I ordered all of the parts and set to work on the physical build.  It was a success. 


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